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Seafood Industry Jobs

Seafood and fishing jobs in Alaska  -  Open recruitments

Seafood and fishing jobs in Alaska

We are actively recruiting seafood workers. Applicants can view the fliers below and submit online applications by logging on to the employer’s website. For more information contact the Seafood Employment Office at the Anchorage Job Center Midtown at phone: (907) 269-4746 or (800) 473-0688 or e-mail: , and go to the Seafood and Fishing Jobs in Alaska webpage to view an online Seafood Processing Employment Orientation.

Prospective seafood processing workers arriving in Alaska and residing in Alaska are encouraged get vaccinated for COVID-19 when applying for seafood processing jobs. Job applicants offered employment in the seafood processing industry will be subject to individual employer COVID-19 vaccine and safety policy requirements throughout the recruitment process and when employed.

Career Fairs

Career Fairs
Date / time
Contact and additional info
Maritime Open House
Career Fair
in Anchorage
Second Friday of Every Month
721 Seasame St. #1C
Anchorage, AK 99503
Contact us for more information
(907) 561-4988

Posted: 09/20/2023

Seafood Jobs

Employer / Job
Date / time
Contact and additional info
Silver Bay Seafoods
Informational Even
Multiple skilled positions
Informational Event:
10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024
Anchorage MidtownJob Center,
3301 Eagle St., Suite 102
Contact the Anchorage Job Center Midtown for more information:
(800) 473-0688

Posted: 09/05/2024